Тайный Мрак Грядущих Дней



79 kr99 kr

Mystic occult soundscape from Kostya of Mystic Storm


Wizards – Тайный Мрак Грядущих Дней (The Secret Gloom of Days to Come)

The matter of this audio phenomenon was created in the winter/spring of 2022 in the mystical and mysterious heart of St. Petersburg. The recording was made in home conditions and is provided as a demo version.

Kostya (Mystic Storm) – Vocals, guitars, synth, magic
Alexander – Drums, percussions (except track 7)

Recording by Kostya.
Mixing by Kostya with the help and suggestions from Artem (Mystic Storm).
Mastering by Sergey Ivanov (Dead Enough Studio).

Listen now at Jawbreaker Records Bandcamp page.

Limited to 50 copies on orange tape and 100 copies on dark green tape.